Paade Mode is the mirror of kids imagination and dreams where everything is possible
Izveidots 2011. gadā kā ģimenes bērnu apģērbu zīmols, šodien Paade Mode ir kļuvis par vienu no vadošajiem lēnās modes zīmoliem Ziemeļeiropā un tiek pārdots vairāk nekā 20 valstīs. Konceptuāls un stilīgs zīmols, kas sola nepieradinātu, individuāli izstrādātu augsto ielas modi, kurā ikdienišķais mijas ar mūsdienu greznību un eleganci.
Paade Mode ir starptautiski atzīts un godalgots bērnu modes zīmols, ko vada neliela radoša komanda. To dibinājusi Linda Raituma, un tā pirmā savdabīgi prezentētā kolekcija guva plašus panākumus modes blogu un redaktoru vidū, turklāt solīja jaunizveidotajam zīmolam drosmīgu startu.
Krāsu bloki, individuāli izstrādāta dizaina izšuvumi, bezšuvju trikotāža, augstākās kvalitātes japāņu, itāļu un portugāļu tekstils – tas viss kopā veido Paade Mode raksturīgo izskatu. Vienlaikus saglabājot uzticību zīmola DNS pamatvērtībām – bērnu personībai un ilgtspējai. Tie ir izaicinoši noteikumi mūsu radošajai komandai, taču uzskatām, ka apģērbam galvenokārt jābūt labi piegrieztam audeklam, kas atbilst mūslaiku ģimenes ikdienas dzīvesstila vajadzībām. Mūsdienās viss saistīts ar couture miksēšanu un saskaņošanu ar detaļām no lielās ielas modes. Apģērbi, ko var valkāt skolā un bērnudārzā, bet kas piedāvā iespēju pievienoties vakariņām vai draugu ballītei, nomainot tikai vienu elementu.
Zīmols piedāvā dažādu stilu kleitas, sākot no individuāli izstrādāta ballīšu apģērba līdz brīviem ikdienas tērpiem, vienlaikus saglabājot uzmanību pret detaļām un mūsdienīgam dzīvesstilam; ekspresīvus mēteļus un bomberus, biezus, ar rokām darinātus adījumus, bezvīļu adījuma jakas un legingus, džemperus un bikses zēniem, kā arī izteiksmīgus aksesuārus. Atsevišķi stili izstrādāti zīdaiņiem.
Zīmols ir pārstāvēts Eiropā, Dienvidkorejā, Amerikā, un daudzviet citur, pārdodot kolekciju vadošajos modes veikalos visā pasaulē.
Mūsu uzticība lēnajai modei un ētiskai ražošanai izpaužas mūsu rūpīgā materiālu atlasē un ražošanas profesionāļu izvēlē. Paade Mode apģērbs tiek ražots Eiropas Savienībā.
Mēs vienmēr meklējam inovācijas gan dizainā, gan tehnoloģijās, lai piešķirtu Paade Mode dizainam svaigumu un komfortu.
Atklājiet nepārspējamu komfortu jutīgai ādai ar Paade Mode bezvīļu adījumu līniju.
Lielas rūpes ieguldītas mūsu ar rokām darinātajos adījumos un apģērbos. Tajos neapšaubāmi ir iestrādāta mīlestība un uzmanība, lai nodrošinātu visaugstāko kvalitāti.
Mūsu izvēle vienmēr būs organiski un dabīgi materiāli. No mīkstas kokvilnas līdz siltai vilnai, no maiga zīda līdz gaisīgam linam.
Mēs uzdrīkstamies radīt kaut ko līdz šim neredzētu.
Paade Mode sadarbība ir svarīga. Mēs strādājam savstarpējā sasaistē, domājam kopā, kā arī aicinām uz sadarbību radošas personības, lai veidotu kolekcijas, kas iedvesmo.
Paade Mode apvieno klasisku stilu ar mūsdienīgiem akcentiem. Mūsu kolekcijās mijas maiga romantika ar drosmīgiem siluetiem, daudzveidīgām faktūrām un košām krāsām.
Mūsu dārgums
Paade Mode kolekcijas
SS 2024
Surrender To Nature
Immerse yourself in the symphony of nature – where the sea meets the shore, and vibrant gardens whisper tales of togetherness. Let the waves and untamed spirit of the forest guide you to a sun-kissed beach, and dance along the shore. Discover profound bliss in nature's embrace.
FW 2023/2024
Imagine a sky painted in a canvas of warm hues, where the mountains appear to be bathed in a radiant halo—as if the sun is about to set or rise in its full majestic Alpenglow.
ss 2023
Romantic Monsters
Have you ever wondered how a classical masterpiece would appear in the 'now'? Every visit to the Uffizi leaves me captivated by the intricate patterns and details of Botticelli's Primavera and the warmly radiant colors of Venus. Glancing at postcards of Primavera from Florence, I am continually amazed by its timeless beauty.
While still entranced by Botticelli's work, I chanced upon the surrealistic collages by Ukrainian artist Alexey Kondakov. I was swept away by the way he envisions classical figures seamlessly integrated into scenes of contemporary life.
FW 2022/2023
The Earth keeps spinning.
The world keeps changing.
Everything around you is in constant motion.
SS 2022
The "Catch the Wind" collection invites countless moments of spontaneity. We'll declare boredom only to ignite a playful rhyme-creating game, where one initiates the rhyme, and the other concludes it. Or perhaps indulge in an alphabet game, swiftly calling out words for each letter, both real and imaginary.
FW 2021/2022
wildberries secret
The long winter months are perfect for cozy family evenings with tea, homemade pancakes, and a special jam. This homemade wild berry jam transports me to a magical place, brimming with inspiration and wonders.
What is the secret of wild berries?
SS 2021
The Miilu collection is akin to a gentle touch—the most delicate dance of the wind. Like a meaningful glance—profound, deeper than the universe. It captures the essence of an accidental note found in Mom’s book, a drawing left on a pillow, or a secret snowman tucked away in Dad’s suitcase.
FW 2020/2021
The 'Dreamer' collection encourages us to do just that—dream of a better world, a brighter future, and making seemingly impossible things possible. It serves as a reminder that even in this chaotic world, dreams are the building blocks of happiness, intelligence, mindfulness, and evolution.
ss 2020
The 'Herbarium' collection narrates a tale of fragility, the cycles of beginnings and ends, memories, longevity, and mindfulness. It serves as a gentle reminder of the unique sensation of capturing nature through photography and drawings. Patterns are intricately woven into fabric, and scents linger in perfumes and even food, preserved between the pages of an old book. All the while, emphasizing the importance of cherishing, nurturing, and protecting this beauty for generations to come.
FW 2019/2020
The 'Mixtape' collection is a lively assortment of styles suitable for every occasion, drawing inspiration from diverse sources such as movie soundtracks, chart-toppers, or that ever-present song stuck in your head. Fearlessly exploring various eras, the collection seamlessly fuses 90s pop, the smooth jazz of the mid-20s, and classical and romantic tones. True to its essence, Paade Mode effortlessly combines elements of romance, edge, and trendy luxury in a mix-and-match fashion.
SS 2019
It holds the charm of a secret childhood sweetheart—the unsent love notes, the delicacy of rose petals, seams concealed within a garment. Small, unnoticed details akin to pearls in a shell or the key to an undiscovered garden door. Enchanting water creatures embodying magical beauty. Embracing imperfection.
FW 2018/2019
The 'Classbook of Best Friends Forever' collection takes you on a wanderlustful journey through the chapters of school life. From the initial days of opening a diary to the enchanting ambiance of winter holidays, experience the timeless bonds of friendship in every chapter.
SS 2018
Collection draws inspiration from the colors, contrasts, and softness inherent in the magic of spring and summer flowers. Blending the characteristics of nature with cultural and architectural influences in form and silhouette, the collection envisions a world that exudes magic through its simplicity, ease, and straightforward nature.
fw 2017/2018
Drawing inspiration from the enchanting depths of winter woods and embracing cultural and architectural legacies, 'World is Round' is a fusion of Gertrude Stein’s minimalist and modernist aesthetics found in children’s literature. This collection envisions a world that exudes magic through its simplicity, ease, and straightforward nature.
ss 2017
The Sun Daze collection infuses brightness, lightness, and pure enjoyment into those scorching summer days when flowers bloom, insects hum in the meadows, and the air is infused with warmth and freedom. Drawing inspiration from the microscopic beauty of petals, pollen, and plants, the designers seamlessly blend delicate details with the vibrant, bold colors of spring and summer, mirroring the blossoming flowers in various forms.
ss 2016
Above and below, through texture and light—inhale, exhale. Seek it out. Embrace a different perspective.
fw 2015/2016
The collection draws inspiration from the etiquette teachings of Amy Vanderbilt in the early '50s. The concept is to curate a wardrobe for a young city girl with the grace of a little lady, blending uber-stylish elements with classical charm.
As the new school year approaches, it’s time to get your little ones ready with clothing that’s both stylish and practical. The Paade Mode FW24 collection is perfect for students and kindergartener...
Lasīt vairākPaade Mode Wins "Best Fashion Brand" at Junior Style Awards 2024
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Paade Mode has been honored with the prestigious "Best Fashion Brand" award at the Junior Style Awards 2024! 🏆 This incredible achievement is a testament...
Lasīt vairākDiscover Paade Mode FW24: Featured in Style Piccoli Magazine
Tutti Frutti🥦 Gorgeous model is wearing a Paade Mode Puffer Pinafore Dress Lane in Yellow. Model is rocking the upcoming Paade Mode Wool Belt Onyx—dropping soon on sale! 😉PRESS EDITORIAL: @style_...
Lasīt vairāk